Scanxiety Support Programme

Do you struggle with anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, stress and intrusive thoughts when you have an upcoming medical scan/tests?

Are you waiting for the results of a scan, blood test or biopsy?

Scared every time a letter comes through the door?

Can’t sleep at night and struggling to get through the day?

Unsure what to tell people and wondering what happened to your life?

If so, you may have scanxiety and we made this for you.

If you have medical examinations, blood test results, scans or stressful appointments on your calendar and you are dreading the day, we designed this programme for you.

Scanxiety Support Programme is 14 days of email support, sending resources, coping strategies and achievable actions to your inbox every day. 

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Before Scanxiety Support:

  • Waking up in the night panicking
  • Struggling to get to sleep
  • Distracted at work or with loved ones
  • Worrying about all the things that could go wrong
  • Blaming every twinge and pain for your worst fears
  • Dreading the medical appointment
  • Panic attacks at the thought of attending the hospital
  • Leaving the appointment with no idea what was said because you were so freaked out
  • …..and more.

After Scanxiety Support:

  • You are more able to received medical news and take action
  • Knowing how to support yourself when it’s scary
  • You have your own back when things get tough
  • No more 3 AM terrors
  • You have an answer when people ask you about your diagnosis/prognosis/test results
  • You’ve created a personal Healing Box of tools and techniques to cope with fear and struggle
  • It feels like you’ve kept your identity in a medical maelstrom
  • You can face your appointment without being overwhelmed by fear

…in short, you get to claim your life back from scanxiety!

What you’ll learn:

You’ll learn essential techniques like what to do when the terrors strike, what self-care works for you, how to keep yourself together when things are falling apart and more.

Written by Healing Boxes co-founder Grace Quantock, this programme will help you to equip yourself for your scan/appointment/results and beyond. Grace has supported thousands of people to live well with illness and life challenge and because she can’t talk you through each day of your scan/results wait, she’s made Scanxiety Support as the next best thing.

N.B: Scanxiety is not a medical diagnosis, but an informal description of pre-appointment stress. Scanxiety Support Programme is not providing medical treatment.