Beyond the Boundaries: Finding Freedom & Fulfilment Within Four Walls

If you’re here because you are stuck in bed or at home (short or long term) and wondering how to cope, you aren’t alone…

If you’re stuck in bed and bored,

If you feel lonely, sad and left out,

If struggling with self-care (or lack of it) drains your energy and leads to spiralling self-criticism or shame,

…then Beyond the Boundaries: Finding Freedom & Fulfilment Within Four Walls. Self-Care Edition is for you.

When you live beyond the boundaries, you see your bed as a launch pad for living your life.

When you live beyond the boundaries, you learn to transcend your limits in everyday life.

When you live beyond the boundaries, you don’t have to wait until things are perfect to be happy.

You aren’t broken, you’re breaking boundaries.

Inside this ebook is empowerment, inclusion and accessible coping tools.

Beyond the Boundaries: Finding Freedom & Fulfilment Within Four Walls. Self-Care Edition is delivered as an audio book and a PDF. You can read it or lie back and listen to me read to you.

Buy it now!


Check out the full details below.

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This is an experiential, inclusive experience. Through the book, you’ll be guided to create your own Limits Liberation Plan, your own guide to living well, (wherever you are).

You’ll finish with a completed, accessible self-care plan that fits you.

Get your copy here

Praise for Beyond the Boundaries

“I loved how accessible Beyond the Boundaries: Finding Freedom and Fulfilment Within Four Walls. Self-Care Edition is – both in that it had a written form for reading, and an audiobook for listening; as well as how many different suggestions were made for different levels of mobility & accessibility needs.

As a result of reading/listening to Beyond the Boundaries I realized how cluttered my home was and the impact that had on things like brain fog & overwhelms. I’ve been slowly decluttering since! I’ve finished the bathroom & kitchen, they are much tidier, I got rid of a bunch of stuff & things I use more often are in more accessible spots.” – chase, Victoria, BC, Canada

“…The coping skills Grace taught me helped me get through difficult days & better enjoy & relish the other days…”

– Sara Lynne | Sara Lynne

What you’ll learn in Beyond the Boundaries:

– You’ll be guided in designing your own Limits Liberation Plan.

– Meet role models for self-fulfilment and learn about the world-changers making a massive impact from their homes and beds.

– Create a morning routine of self-care that’s accessible and sustainable for you.

– Learn to create a beautiful environment, no matter your location or circumstances.

– Discover 8 ways to make your bedroom gorgeous.

– Explore dressing for comfort and joy.

– Find accessible, energy saving, stylish ways to dress.

– Reveal the secret of what to wear all day instead of pyjamas.

– Meet the challenges of how to actually get dressed when struggling with pain.

– Top tips on managing personal care when you are too tired to get to the bathroom.

Yes, please!


Check it out:


Read a sample:

BTB Sample Copyright 2017 Grace Quantock Trailblazing Wellness Ltd. All rights reserved.

“I have taken on certain online courses or programs that are very cumulative, time-sensitive, or otherwise not the sort of thing that can be easily left & then later returned to. I like with Beyond the Boundaries that it’s easier to do this! I’m currently re-listening to some of the audiobook chapters. It’s nice for fuzzy brain fog brains to be able to return to these things after breaks.” – chase – Victoria, BC, Canada  

What you’ll get:

– A downloadable ebook and audio version. In total, over 30,000 words of wellness support, inclusion and action!

– A list of 500 Things to Do When You are Bed Bound and Bored (if you liked my viral blog 49 Things To Do When Bed Bound and Bored, you’ll LOVE this!)

– Exclusive Beyond the Boundaries manifesto to super-charge your intention.

– Special bonus resources including:

An interview with Vivienne McMaster, founder of Be Your Own Beloved: exploring self-compassion through self-portraiture. We talk about ways to make this accessible to people who are bed bound or house bound and how working with our image supports healing.

An interview with Huffington Post blogger Heidi McKenzie, founder of Alter Ur Ego wheelchair fashion company on how style can transform perceptions, conversations and connections, her experience as Ms Wheelchair Kentucky and creating an adaptable style solution/revolution.

You’ll also get exclusive printable posters of all your favourite fun things to do from bed to brighten your walls.

P.S You deserve to be able to live well from bed. I believe in you and your possibilities. I want to help you create accessible self-care that fuels you and feel great doing it. I’ll be honest, I’ve created this ebook for just that purpose.

If you have any questions, just ask grace AT and we’ll clear up the confusion.

If you resonate with this, please join me. However, if you are interested in this because you feel manipulated, a fear of missing out, false scarcity, or that any hesitation you have is “just an excuse and means you don’t want it badly enough”, please do not purchase this, as I don’t want to be a part of, or participate in creating that experience for you.

If you feel this is a path or truth, depth, transformation, and kindness, then I am already doing my job and would love to have you join us.*

* credited to beloved and amazing Randi Buckley.