How to Support a Sick Friend Coaching Session

When your friend is sick, you can feel:

  • Scared
  • Helpless
  • Powerless
  • Uncertain what to do
  • Worried you might say/do something to make things worse
  • Out of your depth
  • Worried

How would it feel to:

  • Have a space to air your fears
  • Be able to ask all the questions you may feel embarrassed to ask your friend
  • Formulate a plan for the support you are able to offer
  • Be able to let your friend know what you can give
  • Have a great list of resources for your friend
  • Make a plan for your own self-care as you support your friend


In this session, we will cover what is most needed for you and come up with a plan for supporting yourself and your friend.

That’s why Healing Boxes offers How to Support a Sick Friend Coaching Session. It’s an hour-long session of coaching and support offered via Zoom video call (or by telephone, according to which is easiest for you). You’ll get a personalised questionnaire to fill out, with insightful questions to support you in reflecting on what you need now and going forward.

You’ll jump on the phone or Zoom, and you’ll get an hour that’s yours. Whatever you need, whatever struggles, fears, pains, issues that are plaguing you will be heard by a person who can hold them. Someone you don’t have to comfort, educate or protect. This is space for you. And never underestimate the power of being truly heard.

I’m Grace Quantock, co-founder of Healing Boxes. I’m a wellness provocateur, coach and have both been a carer and lived with chronic illness personally for nearly 20 years. I’ve got over 600 hours of working therapeutically with people with carers and people with chronic or serious illness and/or other marginalised identities.

I created this offering because we founded Healing Boxes initially when a dear friend was in an accident and hospitalised. I was bedbound and sick myself, so I couldn’t visit her. I know the pain for feeling scared about your loved one and wanting to help but not knowing how. I reached out to friends and put together the first ever Healing Box for my friend. It helped her time in hospital and from then, we’ve created thousands of boxes, care and support packages. I’ve learned lots more about helping friends in difficult times and I’ll share that with you here.

This is a helping hand on your path.

Book a session today.

Price: £45.00 for a one hour session.

N.B: Sessions are limited, due to the one on one nature of the work. Buy a session and you’ll get a link to book a session on Grace’s calendar and fill out a questionnaire to begin your work together.