How to Cope When Chronically Ill Coaching Session

Are you…

  • Chronically ill?
  • Struggling with long-term health conditions?
  • Living with invisible illness or invisibly disabled?
  • Have chronic pain or a long term condition that impacts you?

If you are struggling with…

  • Living with limits and wanting to find a way to live?
  • Having trouble with judgements and comments about your life?
  • Feeling isolated?
  • Doubting yourself and your experience of your body?
  • Feeling blamed for the limits you are living with?
  • Lonely and feeling increasingly hopeless?
  • Angry and wanting to find another option?


Imagine another way….

If you are looking for a way to live where illness isn’t the defining feature of your life, where you wake up in the morning and have options and opportunities in front of you, rather than looking at a bewildering mix of medical appointments, symptom management and emotional micro-aggressions.

When you have a sense of yourself in your life and what you want to do and experience. It can be as big as a relationship, a trip, a business or volunteering or as precious and immediate as feeling present with your loved ones, building your relationships, taking a different approach to your pain and living your very life as art.

Imagine connecting with friends, finding and following your dreams, dressing, expressing, living in a way that feels aligned with you.

Your existence can be a blessing, an artistic expression, an opportunity. You don’t have to produce to be.

As this is coaching, clients’ outcomes will vary based on their individual needs and goals. But here are some (anonymised) examples of changes client’s have experienced:

  • Planning a new career post-diagnosis
  • Going from feeling fearful and overwhelmed in a medical maelstrom to formulating a treatment plan with their healing team that fits their life and needs
  • Identifying the one thing that will make the biggest difference to their happiness and wellbeing and how to implement it
  • Dating with chronic illness and finding love
  • Making a plan of how to work after recurring chronic illness
  • Creating a self-care plan that fits their needs and is realistic and compassionate not aspirational
  • Writing the perfect answer to invasive health questions to survive a family gathering with self-respect intact
  • Moving from feeling incapable to volunteering and feeling empowered and contributing

That’s why Healing Boxes offers How to Cope When Chronically Ill Coaching Session. It’s an hour-long session of coaching and support offered via Zoom video call (or by telephone, according to which is easiest for you). You’ll get a personalised questionnaire to fill out, with insightful questions to support you in reflecting on what you need now and going forward.

You’ll jump on the phone or Zoom, and you’ll get an hour that’s yours. Whatever you need, whatever struggles, fears, pains, issues that are plaguing you will be heard by a person who can hold them. Someone you don’t have to comfort, educate or protect. This is space for you. And never underestimate the power of being truly heard.

I’m Grace Quantock, co-founder of Healing Boxes. I’m a wellness provocateur, coach and I have lived with chronic illness personally for nearly 20 years. I’ve got over 600 hours of working therapeutically with people with chronic or serious illness and/or other marginalised identities.

I created this offering as I know sometimes a session can help change the way we go forward in the world and our future.

Think of it as a wellness intervention, a hand on your journey, a compass check-in to help you re-orient on your life path.

I believe that chronic illness can be a companion rather than a warder

I believe chronic illness can chip away at our self-esteem and way of being in the world, unless we find another way to live.

I believe that with support, community and connection, we can create lives that are meaningful.

I believe what matters to you…matters.

I believe in working with you where you are, in your real life. And that real life can be beautiful even while it’s painful.

I believe in you and your possibilities.

Book a session today.

Price: £45 for a one hour session.

N.B: Sessions are limited, due to the one on one nature of the work. Buy a session and you’ll get a link to book a session on Grace’s calendar and fill out a questionnaire to begin your work together.