What do I say? How to write to your loved one who is hurting e-guide

You know that feeling when you sit down and are writing a card to someone with illness or grief, a loved one who’s hurting? You’ve picked the *perfect* card, your pen poised over the smooth paper and, allofasudden, you just have *no idea* what to say?

This guide is for you.

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I’m Grace Quantock and I run Healing Boxes, a bespoke ethical gift box non-profit, designing gifts of support for people with illness, pain and in life crisis. I am also the founder of Trailblazing Wellness, where I teach and write about how to live well with chronic and serious illness. Oh, and I’ve lived with chronic illness myself for 13 years.

When I was bed bound and house bound for long periods, cards and letters became my medium of communication with the outside world, and I can’t overstate their importance. I’ve worked with thousands of people to design healing programs and wellness gifts that are *just* right, and I’m excited to share my experience today of what to say when writing a card to someone experiencing illness or grief

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