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Tailored Gifts to Warm the Heart. Handmade gift boxes to support loved ones living with health challenges. Check them out here http://bit.ly/19LPrZt
Know someone who needs support? Healing Boxes may have just what you need. Custom made gift boxes, full of love, support and Healing items http://bit.ly/19LPrZt
Healing Boxes. For when a Get Well Soon card just isn’t enough. Real practical, supportive and comforting gifts to warm the heart http://bit.ly/19LPrZt
Get the word out to your followers in one click!:
Tweet: Know someone who needs support? Healing Boxes may have just what you need. Tailored gifts to warm the heart http://bit.ly/19LPrZt (click to tweet)
Tweet: Healing Boxes. For when a Get Well Soon card just isn’t enough. Tailored gifts to warm the heart http://bit.ly/19LPrZt (click to tweet)