Question: “What can people do, who don’t feel they can start their own business or aren’t able to work in their circumstances? What kind of projects could they get involved with? What kind of things can they build their life around, if they currently lack focus? What kinds of hobbies can ill and disabled people take up?”
Answer: The real answer, of course, is to find your passion and then make it accessible. Just as you’d build a life without a disability. What do you want to do? What do you love? If you don’t know what you love, can you explore?
But I do have a list of accessible options and ideas.
Micro-volunteering – easy actions from home that benefit so many worthwhile causes.
Make quilts for Project Linus
Therapeutic knitting with Stitch Links
Volunteer with local charities? Can you stuff envelopes? Answer the phone, visit people and read to them?
Taking care of a patch of land. Growing a mini-garden
Write to Postpals
Write letters for freedom with Amnesty International
Foster an animal
What do you do? What’s your passion? Tell us on Twitter.