Kindness in 2015

Be Kind to You 2015

It’s a new year and things are starting to get moving again. It always seems to take a couple of weeks for everyone to get used to a new year, and to remember it’s 2015 when writing the date! Hands up if you’ve been there many, many times before.

How are those resolutions coming along? If you’ve decided to make resolutions this year, or even if you haven’t, may we add a little something to consider?

Be kind to yourself.

Being kinder to others is often considered as a great new year’s resolution, but it’s easy to overlook being kind to yourself. Show yourself some kindness in the new year.

It’s important to prioritise what’s important, and what’s more important than you? It doesn’t have to be a rigid resolution with a definite goal and an action plan. A gentle reminder is good.

Be kind to yourself.

Don’t be harsh with yourself if you don’t achieve what you’d planned to.

Don’t put yourself down when you make a mistake (mistakes are an important part of life, learning and growing, so I suggest making a lot).

Don’t pressure yourself or push yourself to great extremes when you really want to slow down and take a break.

Oh, and don’t be harsh with yourself if you forget to be kind to yourself. That just doesn’t make sense.

Be kind to yourself.

If new year’s resolutions are something you’re struggling with at the moment, we highly recommend watching this short HuffPost Live video, featuring our very own Grace Quantock, on why accepting yourself may be better than changing.