The 2014 Phoenix Fire Academy is now open!

The new diagnosis that floors us. The long standing illness that grinds us down slowly. The gasps of horror and sympathetic words from strangers as they contemplate just how terrible our lives must be (because, you know, we didn’t have enough to deal with already).

It doesn’t have to be like this, but unfortunately, when living with a chronic health condition, it often is. Or at least it feels like it. And let’s face it, this is what people expect illness to be like. It’s often what we expect illness to be like.

Our illnesses can become our blocks, our obstacles and they dictate our limits, hem us in and hold us captive.

But what if there was another way? A way to take our diagnoses and turn them into something else. Not an end of the life we knew (and all the happiness and fun that goes with it), but the beginning of something new. A fire that burns away everything you need to let go of and leaves you with a more refined, more true you.

This is that opportunity.

The Phoenix Fire Academy

This can be the turning point at which we stop being limited by our conditions and start growing out of the fire and flying as phoenixes.

Our founder Grace Quantock is sharing everything she’s learned from 14 years of living with chronic illness, being an award-winning wellness provocateur and studying under teachers worldwide, and she has put together The Phoenix Fire Academy.

It’s not about just giving you well meaning words of comfort and support, it’s about working with you to put together a plan of action, connect you with a truly empowered wellness community and offer you ‘another way’.

This is a one-of-a-kind offering, running only once this year. It’s being offered to you at 50% off the usual price, however half the places have already been filled, so sign up now.

The course begins on September 1st, but if you want to be in it, you’ve got to be signed up by the 29th August. All the details are here.