Wellness blogs – A blog worth blogging about

This week we thought we’d blog about wellness blogs (and if anyone wanted to blog about this blog, that would be fantastic!)

If you’ve decided to live well, we commend you!

Seriously. It’s a brave decision to make. Not just to survive, but to actively choose to live your life. To do the best for yourself and to really listen to what you need. We take our collective hats off to you.

To make things a little easier, we’ve brought together some top wellness blogs full of great resources, wellness tips, encouragement and articles dealing with some of the difficulties of trying to live well.

So without further ado…

Grace Quantock Wellness Blogs

First up is the wonderful Grace Quantock (one of Healing Boxes CIC’s founders), writing honestly about turning Trail Blazer, creating healing in everyday life and really and truly LIVING well with illness. To quote Grace Quantock herself: Your diagnosis and struggle are just the footnotes – You are the adventure story!


Chronic Babe Wellness Blogs

Coping with chronic illness can be tough, but luckily we have Chronic Babe blogging about how to handle burnout, how to deal with people who don’t believe you’re sick and much more besides. Excitingly, she’s got currently got a Kickstarter going to fund a guidebook for women with chronic illness. If you want to be a part of this, head over there right now!


The Pillow Fort Wellness Blogs

The Pillow Fort‘s tagline says a lot – Making chronic illness suck less! The awesome Lizzy blogs about happier living, self care tips, reviews as well as what’s going on in her world. Definitely one to check out.


Esmé Wang Wellness Blogs

Esmé Wang writes beautifully on art and creativity, as well as living with mental health issues and the oh so important, but often overlooked, topic of self care. If you need more self care (and I think we could all do with more) make sure you read what she has to say.


Kris Carr Wellness Blogs

Kris Car realised that living with illness isn’t by any means a simple, straight forward path, which inspired her to create Crazy Sexy Cancer and also blog about nourishing yourself (physically, emotionally, spiritually), tips on staying healthy and pursuing your passions.


Polly Noble Wellness Blogs

Polly Noble‘s writing, in her own words, is about helping people take back the reins on their health by living more consciously so that they can become their healthiest, happiest self. Although Polly Noble has passed on, the amazing content she’s published continues to help people pursue wellness in their own lives.


Nutritiously Natasha Wellness Blogs

Nutritiously Natasha blogs on chronic illness, food, and how they cross paths. But she also covers her own healing journey and shares experiences and tips and tricks from day-to-day life.

What are your favourite wellness blogs? Tell us on Twitter